Miss, this is the best maths lesson ever!
I have to agree. It was the best maths lesson ever.
Maths is tons better than it used to be.
The kids got a letter from a bloke who needed a load of dough for his new pizza restaurant; thus maths meant: kids, teachers and carpet covered in flour and 78 very sticky hands (there were some sneaky maths objectives in there, honest. If you really want to know, the kids had a recipe and a craftily placed selection of items, but - this is the clever bit - no scales. So they had to invent a new way of measuring - mwahahah). Evil Teachers emerge the next day - "So children, how much flour would you need if you wanted to make TEN pizzas? MWHAHAHA" we cackled, evil glints in our eyes, maths objectives less sneaky and more neon-flashing-brain-achingly-head-scratchingly-mathsly-obvious.
Karma has bitten back. The flour is gone, (a stupid number of asda smart price 64p mixing bowls rest precariously on our kitchen cupboards), we've cleared away the cups and the stickers and the chocolate and the squirrel and the brussel sprout, the kids have broken up, and are just beginning a 9 day CBBC marathon, student teachers long forgotten. Student teachers (sweet karma spatulas) are cursing our EVIL "teacher-educators" who are sat going "MWHAHAHA" behind their dingy desks at University where they live. (Like the way teachers live in the stock cupboard). They've given us 4 neon-flashing-brain-achingly-head-scratchingly-national-curriculum-numeracy-strategy-evil "learning objectives" which we have to justify in an assignment; ARGH.
It's at times like this it's nice to have a blog where you can write about the flour.
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